Angie – Mo for Motivate

Have you ever had one of those days when you woke up and felt like you have been hit by a tonne of bricks, you feel tired, lethargic, down, and you are not motivated to see anyone or do anything. Well if so, you are not alone, its happens to the best of us… In fact that’s how I felt this morning. But I had to pull myself together and move my bum bum. I put on some dancehall music, took a cold shower and put some pep in my step .

Sometimes we can self help, but in many cases we can’t and that’s when we call an expert: Motivators, Mentors and Mind set coaches, these are professionals that do this for a living and are trained to get yo’ mind right.

Mohamed Fouda is a knowledge seeker who is trying to change a million lives, he has volunteered with children in Sir Lanka in the area of sports, and rightly so considering that he played for the team broke the Guinness World Book of Records for the longest soccer game in history 2010. He says he transformed his lifestyle in only a few years. He is now a serial entrepreneur, a mentor and an Author of a series of E-books called  “Confessions of an Entrepreneur” and he joined me today on my show!